
Any person residing in Malaysia, regardless of nationality, having a strong interest in automatic control and system engineering, and a sound professional background, shall be eligible for membership of MACE.

Applications for membership of the Association can be made in FOUR (4) categories:

Fellow member

a person who is awarded by the MACE to a person with outstanding contribution to the automatic control field in Malaysia, and he/she should have at least 25 years of experience in related fields from the industries or academics.

Regular member

a person who holds a degree in related fields, or a person who holds a degree in other fields but has more than 10 years of experience working in the field of automatic control

Associate member

a person without a degree in related fields but has an interest in automatic control fields, or a person without a degree in related fields and has less than 10 years of experience working in non-related field but has an interest in automatic control fields

Student member

an undergraduate or postgraduate student undergoing related engineering degree study or research

REGISTRATION FEE (all kinds of member)

RM   20.00


Fellow member RM 250.00

Regular member RM 100.00

Associate member RM 100.00

Student member RM   20.00

Lifetime membership (only for fellow)

RM 1,500.00

Be Noted that: