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MACE Technical Journal : Archives
Vol. 2 (1) | Dec 2020
Micro autonomous underwater vehicle using fuzzy robust filter control technique
Muhammad Azri bin Abdul Wahed, Mohammad Khairi Ishak, Mohd Rizal Arshad
Automatic Control
Integration of first-order low pass filter with proportional-derivative (PD) controller
Yoong Khang Ooi
Computational Intelligence
Development of low-cost and portable ECG detection kit for biometric identification
C.P. Kiok, N.S. Ibrahim, D.A. Ramli
IoT & Embedded System
Principle techniques of image classification in remote sensing
Emaad Ansari, Mohammed Nishat Akhtar, Mohamad Khairi Elmi Abu Bakar
Sensor and Instrumentation
Types of signal pre-processing approaches for engine misfire detection (EMD) algorithm
Muhammad Zaim bin Mohamed Pauzi, Mohammad Nishat Akhtar, Mohamad Khairi Ishak, Emaad Ansari, Hiroaki Uchida, Elmi bin Abu Bakar
Industrial Control and Automation
Positioning control of a pneumatic artificial muscle driven stage using an improved NCTF control
S.H. Chong, T.F. Tang, Z. Jamaludin, K. Sato
Vol.1 (1) | 2019
Automatic Control
Control and development of a 3D printed SCARA robot as an underactuated system
Yeong Chin Koo, Muhammad Muaamar Sapian Sauri, Teck Seng Kong, Kok Hang Poh, Ahmad Saiful Azhar, Muhammad Nasiruddin Mahyuddin
Computational Intelligence
Artificial intelligent application for power system protection
Noramalina Abdullah
Computational Intelligence
Towards the use of creases of middle part of finger for biometrics
Sue L. Ting, ahmad N. Ali
IoT & Embedded System
Evidence collection and forensic challenges in cloud environment
Abdullahi Aminu Kazaure, Aman Jantan, Mohd Najwadi Yusoff, Aminu Maigari, Mohamad Khairi Ishak, Nor Rizuan Mar Noor
Process Control
Ramp and sinusoidal histogram methodologies for ADC evaluation
Wan Mohd Fahmi, A. A. A. Wahab, S. s. N. Alhady, W. A. F. W. Othman, H. Husin