Author's Information

Papers must be written in English and should describe original work in details. Please download the template below and submit the full papers online through Microsoft CMT: (

Proposal for workshop or tutorials can be submitted online at the same web address. Upon acceptance, authors are required to register and present their papers at the symposium.

Accepted papers are limited to six (6) pages in the conference proceedings at no extra charge. Microsoft CMT will not permit longer papers to be uploaded.


When preparing your manuscript, please abide by the following requests: 

Article Preparation Checklist (Reference Guide for Authors) : Authors Checklist

Manuscript Standard Template (Word) : Conference Proceedings Template (Word)

Manuscript in LaTeX Template : Conference Proceedings Template (LaTeX)


The editor of the conference is required to secure a copyright release for each paper signed by at least one author for each paper. The signed copyright releases should be sent to AIP Publishing along with the manuscript. 

(Please note that the exception at the bottom of the form is for US federal government employees only)

Download the Copyright Release form : Copyright Release Form



Accepted paper will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings (Scopus-Indexed) or the MACE Tech Journal or ASEAN Journal of Process Control (AJPC).


Speakers are allocated 10 minutes each comprising: 8 minutes presentation and 2 minutes for questions.

Either Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe PDF presentation formats will be accepted and should be provided o the session chair at the start of the session. If presenting a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, please consider either using common Microsoft fonts or embedding other fonts into presentation to ensure replicability.